Reflexology is non-invasive, relaxing, therapeutic and sets off all the body’s healing mechanisms. It reduces stress by creating deep relaxation and a sense of balance and well-being by helping the nervous system to calm down and function normally. When you apply reflexology to the foot you stimulate more than 7,000 nerves which can encourage the opening and clearing of neural pathways and helping the body to return to its natural rhythm.
There are a number of reasons why a particular reflex might be sensitive or out of balance and these include an energy imbalance in the area, or congestion of energy in the related zone of the body. Often it indicates an ongoing physical problem which the person may be well aware of and might want reflexology to help them. See below for some of the benefits reflexology offers along with symptoms it can help.
Reflexology has been shown to be effective for many symptoms, many of which can be stress related, including:
......and many, many more
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