
Finding Relief for Digestive Issues with Reflexology

Are you tired of dealing with digestive issues that leave you feeling uncomfortable and unhappy? Have you tried numerous medications with no success? If so, it may be time to explore alternative therapies, like reflexology, to improve your digestive health.

Reflexology is a holistic therapy that uses pressure points on the feet to stimulate various parts of the body. By applying pressure to specific areas, reflexology can help promote healing and balance in the body. In the case of digestive health, many people have found that reflexology can be especially helpful.

The digestive system is complex, and issues like bloating, constipation, and acid reflux can cause discomfort and impact your daily life. For many, reflexology can help alleviate these symptoms and improve overall digestive health.

So, how does reflexology help with digestive health? It works by targeting specific reflex points on the feet that correspond to different parts of the digestive system. By applying pressure to these points, the body’s natural healing mechanisms are stimulated, promoting better digestion and absorption of nutrients.

One of the main benefits of reflexology is that it is non-invasive and drug-free. This means that it can be a great alternative to traditional medications that may come with unwanted side effects. Reflexology is also a great option for people who are looking for a more natural way to manage their digestive issues.

Some specific reflexology techniques that target the digestive system include:

  • The solar plexus reflex: This area is located on the arch of the foot, and massaging it can help relieve stress and promote relaxation, which can in turn improve digestion.
  • The colon reflex: Located on the outer edge of the foot, massaging it can help alleviate constipation and promote bowel movements.
  • The stomach reflex: This can be found on the ball of the foot, and massaging it can help reduce bloating and improve overall digestion.

Research has shown that reflexology can be effective for improving digestive health. In one study, participants who received reflexology treatments reported a significant improvement in their digestive symptoms and it may be effective for you.

In conclusion, reflexology is a great option for anyone looking to improve their digestive health naturally. By targeting specific reflex points on the feet, reflexology can promote healing and balance in the body, leading to better digestion and overall wellbeing. So, why not give it a try and see how it can benefit you?

For more information about reflexology or any of the treatments I offer, please get in touch with me at Bodyworks Reflexology.


Sweet Dreams: How Reflexology Can Help Improve Your Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for our overall well-being. It helps to refresh our minds and bodies, and gives us the energy we need to face the day ahead. Unfortunately, many people struggle with sleep issues, which can negatively impact their health and quality of life. That’s where reflexology comes in – a natural therapy that can help improve sleep quality and duration.

So, how does reflexology help with sleep? One theory is that it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the body’s rest and digest response. When the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, the body can relax, and sleep can come more easily.

Reflexology has been shown to be effective in improving sleep in several studies. In a 2010 study published in the Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, researchers found that reflexology significantly improved the sleep quality of postpartum women. Another study, published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice in 2015, found that reflexology improved sleep quality in patients with multiple sclerosis.

But what does a reflexology session for better sleep actually look like? During a reflexology session, the therapist will apply pressure to specific reflex points on the feet or hands. These points may correspond to the pituitary gland, which produces hormones that regulate sleep, or the pineal gland, which produces the hormone melatonin that helps regulate sleep-wake cycles.

The pressure applied during a reflexology session may be gentle or firm, depending on the individual’s needs and preferences. Some people may feel discomfort during the session, but this is usually only temporary and indicates that I have found an area that needs attention.

In addition to reflexology sessions, there are several things you can do at home to promote better sleep. These include establishing a regular sleep routine, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed, and creating a comfortable sleep environment. You can also try self-reflexology by massaging the reflex points on your own feet or hands. This can help to relax your body and prepare it for sleep.

In conclusion, reflexology can be a powerful tool for improving sleep quality and duration. By stimulating specific reflex points on the feet, hands, or ears, reflexologists aim to promote relaxation and balance within the body. If you’re struggling with sleep issues, consider giving reflexology a try – it just might help you get the restful, restorative sleep you need to feel your best.

For more information about reflexology or any of the treatments I offer, please get in touch with me at Bodyworks Reflexology.


Touching a nerve with reflexology

Our feet have more nerve endings than any other part of our bodies. There are some 7000 nerve endings in each foot, which make them incredibly sensitive to touch. If you’ve ever had a reflexology session, or if you’ve ever just given yourself a foot massage, then you know how pleasantly relaxing it can be! But did you know stimulation of the nerves in our feet also has some pretty impressive health benefits?

The nerves in our feet

The feet are the most sensitive part of your body. They contain more nerve endings than any other part of you, including your fingertips, tongue and lips. These nerve endings can be stimulated by a variety of factors such as heat or coldness; pressure applied by massage tools like stones and rollers; vibration (think: foot massager); even colours that catch your eye!

For most of the time, our feet are wrapped up in socks and shoes, so the nerve endings can go unstimulated. Reflexology unleashes the healing power of your nervous system by stimulating the nerves in your feet to promote health and wellbeing.

What is the vagus nerve?

The vagus nerve is one of the 12 cranial nerves. It’s the longest of these nerves and responsible for regulating heart rate, digestion and other involuntary bodily functions. The vagus has two branches: one connects to your heart; another connects to your lungs and stomach. When it comes to reflexology treatment, we only focus on how this nerve affects your digestive system because it plays such a crucial role in our overall health and well-being.

Reflexology stimulates the vagus nerve, which sends information between your brain and various organs in the body. This can lead to improved digestion, heart rate regulation and hormone production.

Foot reflexology stimulates neural pathways

Reflexology stimulates neural pathways to your brain, which can help you relax and feel better.

It also stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS), which calms down our bodies when we’re stressed out. It does this by decreasing our heart rate, blood pressure and even breathing patterns so we feel more relaxed overall–and it’s great for reducing anxiety!

Stimulating these pathways also your increases energy levels by prompting an increase of adrenalin during activity periods throughout the day and night. This could be beneficial if you have low energy levels but still wants a high output from your workouts each day without having much time available outside their normal schedule beforehand due to time constraints.

We’ve covered a lot in this article, but the main takeaway is that reflexology is a powerful tool for stress relief. It can be used to treat many different conditions and disorders, including depression and anxiety. If you’re interested in learning more about how reflexology can help you with your particular symptoms or concerns, please contact us today!

For more information about reflexology or any of the treatments I offer, please get in touch with me at Bodyworks Reflexology.


The benefits of facial cupping

Have you heard about facial cupping but you’re not sure what it is or how it can help. Facial cupping is a great way to improve the appearance, and health, of your skin. It can help with acne, wrinkles, and lymphatic drainage.

What is facial cupping?

Facial cupping is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that uses suction to create small circular marks on the skin. The marks are due to the negative pressure of the cups being placed on your face, which causes blood flow to increase around that area and stimulate healing processes within your body.

Facial cupping has been practiced for thousands of years in many cultures around the world, including China and Japan. In fact, some people even claim that it can help you lose weight!

How does it work?

Facial cupping is a centuries-old technique that uses suction cups to create a vacuum. The negative pressure created by this vacuum pulls the skin up and away from its underlying tissues, creating a gentle lifting effect on your face. The result? Your skin will look younger, healthier and more refreshed!

Facial cupping has been used in China for thousands of years as part of traditional Chinese medicine. Practitioners believe that it can help treat a variety of conditions including acne, eczema and rosacea by improving blood flow to certain areas of your body while removing toxins from your lymphatic system.

Benefits of facial cupping.

Facial cupping can help to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and crow’s feet by promoting collagen production in the skin. This is because when you apply suction to the skin it causes an increase in blood flow which stimulates new cell growth.

By increasing circulation and lymphatic drainage throughout your face, facial cupping helps to reduce pore size by removing excess oil from clogged pores that can cause acne breakouts or blackheads (1). The increased blood flow also helps remove dead skin cells faster so they don’t build up on top of each other causing more build up which leads to larger-looking pores over time!

Facial cupping has been proven to be effective at reducing hyperpigmentation and acne scars due mostly because there is less chance of scarring after treatment when compared against surgical procedures such as laser therapy or chemical peels. These carry risks such as infection due burning off too much tissue at once rather than just targeting specific areas.

Facial cupping is a great way to improve the appearance and health of your skin. It can help with everything from wrinkles and fine lines to acne and other skin conditions like rosacea. If you’re looking for an effective treatment option for your face, consider giving facial cupping a try!

For more information about facial cupping or any of the treatments I offer, please get in touch with Bodyworks Reflexology.


How reflexology can help with menopause

Every woman’s menopause is different, with some women experiencing different symptoms to others, in various degrees of intensity. Some symptoms can have a profound impact on your daily life, preventing you from living the life you are used to. This can leave you feeling low, and it’s no surprise that your self-esteem and confidence can be affected. But no matter how your menopause impacts your life, reflexology is a great way to restore the balance of your body and alleviate some of your symptoms, giving you the freedom to live your life on your terms.

Here are just some of the ways that reflexology can ease your journey through your menopause.

Get the sleep you need

Thought to be due to a drop in in oestrogen levels, sleep disturbance is a common symptom of the menopause. Sleep disruptions not only leave you feeling tired and exhausted, it can also make day to day functioning difficult because your cognitive function is affected, not to mention the impact it has on your mood.

Reflexology can help you regulate your peripheral nervous system by stimulating your pituitary gland, which helps control your hormones. Your hypothalamus gland is your body’s control centre responsible for keeping your body balanced. This will help you restore balance, promote calmness and relive fatigue, all of which promotes better sleep and wellbeing.

Relieve stress and anxiety

Your symptoms of menopause can come at a time when your stress levels are already high, adding a extra layer of stress, making you feel that you are unable to cope. High levels of stress can make menopausal symptoms worse and prolonged periods of stress raise cortisol levels and make you age faster.

Reflexology can help you relax and restore the natural balance to your body. It can calm your central nervous system, reduce the feelings of stress and anxiety. By unblocking the nerve endings in your feet and stimulating your lymphatic system, reflexology will induce a state of calm throughout your whole body, leaving you less stressed and anxious.

Quell those hot flushes and night sweats

Nearly three quarters of women going through the menopause suffer with hot flushes and night sweats, which can wake you from your sleep and lead to long term sleep disruptions. They occur when changing hormone levels make your body more sensitive to slight fluctuations in temperature.

A study carried out on women with menopausal symptoms found that having reflexology twice weekly for six weeks reported far fewer hot flushes and night sweats. (Gozuyesil & Baser, 2016). By bringing your body back into balance, you can get relief from these symptoms which can seriously affect your quality of life and mental wellbeing.

So, apart from the calming effect of reflexology and the benefits that bringing your body back into balance can have, it is also a great way to ease your way through your menopause, minimising the impact of your symptoms and allowing you to live your life the way that you want to.

For more information about reflexology and how Bodyworks Reflexology can help your menopausal symptoms, please get in touch.


How reflexology can help with stress

Stress is a part of our modern world, with many people suffering from stress or anxiety on a daily basis. A study commissioned by the Mental Health Foundation found that over 70% of adults in the UK feel overwhelmed and unable to cope due to stress.

Whether is it your job or career, your personal life, your relationships or family life, stress can have a huge impact on your health and wellbeing and, if left untreated, can lead to long term illness. So, finding ways to alleviate the stress in your life is the key to feeling balanced, in control and able to cope.

The physical effects of stress

Even though our bodies are hardwired to cope with small amounts of stress, prolonged periods of stress can have a significant impact on our lives.

It can leave you feeling, agitated, frustrated and moody. You may struggle to relax, switch off and your sleep may be affected, which can make it more difficult to cope because you feel so tired and drained. You may find it hard to focus, make poor decisions and feel pessimistic.

Physically, stress can sap you of your energy so you feel constantly tired and it can give you headaches or other muscle pain such as back pain or tension in your head and neck. It can upset your stomach and give you diarrhoea or constipation. Prolonged stress can affect your immune system, so you are more likely to catch colds or infections. In extreme cases, stress can give you a racing heart and chest pains.


How reflexology can help

Reflexology works by applying pressure to reflex areas in your feet, unblocking your nerve endings, rebalancing your lymphatic system and boosting your circulation. This will leave you feeling blissfully calm and relaxed.

Reflexology puts you in a deep state of relaxation, physically releasing tension, decreasing your blood pressure and slowing your heart rate down which helps you destress, unwind and stay focused and present.

By stimulating your lymphatic system, reflexology unlocks the healing power of your body, flushing out toxins, bringing your body back into balance and leaving you feeling completely refreshed and revitalised.


While there are a huge range of products and over the counter medication available to combat the feelings of stress, most of them just mask the feelings of stress rather than dealing with the underlying condition. Many people are turning to reflexology to manage stress because it is a natural, holistic therapy which unlocks the healing power of the body and restores balance, leaving you feeling completely relaxed and rejuvenated.

For more information about reflexology and how it can help you, please get in touch.


The Benefits of a Zone Facelift

First developed in 1997 by American Ziggie Bergman, the Zone Face Lift has quickly become the number one way for anyone seeking to look their best the natural way, without invasive cosmetic surgery or botox. Many people claim that a Zone Face Lift can make you look 10 years younger, restoring your youthful natural glow. It also leaves you feeling calmer, more relaxed and with a greater sense of wellbeing.

What is a Zone Face Lift?

A Zone Face Lift is a combination of treatments designed to reduce wrinkles and frown lines, combat puffiness and tightness, as well as stimulating the natural healing powers of your facial muscles and tissues.

The combination of treatments, usually carried out over 12 weeks includes: facial reflexology, Rose crystal quartz spheres, Japanese facelift massage, Native American pressure point massage, traditional Chinese facial Gua Sha, and facial rollers to smooth and sculpt the skin to leave you feeling fresher, rejuvenated and blissfully calm.

Apart from being non-invasive, a Zone Face lift offers so many more benefits than just making you look your best self. Here are just a few:

Improves lymphatic drainage

By using reflexology to stimulate the lymphatic system, blockages are prevented and toxins are removed from your system, leaving you with clearer, less puffy skin.

Calming and uplifting

Facial reflexology gives you all the benefits of foot reflexology, leaving you feeling more relaxed and bringing your body back into balance, improving your overall sense of wellbeing, reducing stress and anxiety.

Improves acne and clear sebaceous glands

A Zone Face Lift is a complete detox for your face, unblocking your pores, improving circulation, and it can also reduce scarring and alleviate a range of skin complaints in some, including acne.

Relieves tension in the face, neck and shoulders

We wear the effects of a stressful life in our faces, and we carry it in our neck and shoulders. A Zone Face Lift releases the tension and emotion from your face, as well as relieving tension from your neck and shoulders too, making you feel lighter and calmer.

Evens out pigmentation and skin tone

Using a jade gua sha stone and roller your skin is decongested, improving your blood flow and circulation. This helps to even out your skin tone and pigmentation, restoring your natural glow.


Too many people are turning to cosmetic surgery, such as Botox to address the way they look and to tighten and smoothen their skin. But with a Zone Face Lift you get all the benefits of Botox, plus the added benefit of a total detox, clean pores, and improved circulation. After your treatments, there are no scars, just a greater sense of calm and wellbeing. If you are interested in a Zone Face Lift, please get in touch.


3 common misconceptions around reflexology

More people are turning to reflexology as a way to maintain natural health and wellbeing. In
recent times, it has gained so much momentum and credibility that it is widely available through
hospitals and GP surgeries as a natural therapy to help the body heal and recover. Sadly, there
are still many sceptics who consider reflexology an alternative therapy and question the benefits
it can offer, despite there being a wealth of evidence to the contrary.

So, here are my top 3 reflexology misconceptions that some people have that will better inform
you exactly what reflexology is and how it can benefit you.

It’s just a massage, right?

Wrong. While reflexology uses some massage techniques to warm up the muscles and prepare
you for treatment, it is so much more than a massage. It uses systematic pressure to restore
your body’s natural healthy balance. While it is as relaxing as massage, by applying stimulation
and pressure reflex points corresponding to organs and systems of the body, it can offer you
relief from pain, increased circulation, reduced tension, providing a balanced internal energy

Reflexology hurts

Although reflexology does mean that firm pressure is applied, this should never be painful. As a
reflexologist, I am sensitive and responsive, maintaining good communication with my clients so
they can let me know if I need to reduce the amount of pressure I am applying.

Generally, reflexology is a gentle therapy, so any tenderness may come from particular reflex
points that need extra pressure to restore balance. However, for many clients who have medical
conditions require a lighter, gentler pressure.

Reflexology can diagnose illness

First and foremost, reflexology is a complementary therapy, and it does not replace conventional
medicine and should never be used in place of seeking medical advice. A reflexologist cannot
diagnose illness or disease, or claim to replace prescribed medicine.

A professional reflexologist can identify areas of concern and suggest a client consult a doctor
for further investigation. However, as reflexology is a holistic therapy, treating the person and not
their condition, so any problem areas identified could be affected by a range of different factors.

Hopefully, I have gone some way to dispelling some of the misconceptions that surround
reflexology. For many clients, reflexology is a way to restore the body’s natural balance,
stimulating the body’s natural ability to heal and recover. For more information about reflexology
and how it can help you, please get in touch.


What is Reflexology?

What Is Reflexology? 


Reflexology is multi-strand medical practice and therapy that involves applying pressure and massages to specific reflex points on the feet and hands to relieve pain in other parts of the body and treat illness.


What Is The Difference Between Reflexology Therapy And Massage Therapy?

Reflexology is centred on using different techniques like thumb movements just on reflex points in the hands, feet and ears to improve the body functions internally or from the inside out. In contrast, massage therapy works to improve and relieve the whole structure of the body from stresses externally by stimulating larger muscle groups.


History Of Reflexology

Early practices similar to reflexology have been documented from historical times in Egypt and China. However, modern-day reflexology evolved from these ancient techniques resembling reflexology. It was introduced to the US by a medical doctor, William H. Fitzgerald, who specialised in healthcare for the ear, throat and nose. In time, Eunice Ingham, a physiotherapist from the 1940s, modified it to zone therapy reflexology which is widely used as the basis for reflexology today.


Theories Of Reflexology And How It Works

Zone theory is the primary belief that reflexology operates on. It holds that the body has ten different zones linked to different body parts, mapped out on the hand, feet and ear. Zone theory makes an assertion that touching each finger and toe allows access to body parts allocated to the corresponding zone. In reflexology, all the body parts correlate to points on the hands, feet and ears called reflex points. Reflexologists use these reflex points in the hands, feet and ear to trace corresponding body parts where pressure needs to apply. 


In addition, reflexology practised in ancient China was based on the belief in Qi. It is considered the life force that is held by the body internally. Qi is the underlying principle in traditional Chinese medicine. According to this belief, stress and other factors can block it, causing an imbalance in the body that can cause illness. In traditional Chinese therapy, reflexology practitioners release pressure on pressure points on the body to unblock Qi. This will help maintain a balance in the body and rid the body of any disease. 


Types Of Reflexology 

Reflexology is actively evolving and has branched into new therapeutic practices and techniques like the Two Shur method, universal method, and hot stone reflexology that still aim at promoting good health and well-being. Nonetheless, most practitioners use these methods of reflexology globally. 

  • Foot reflexology; The stimulation of the feet to activate the mapped zones and provide health benefits.
  • Hand reflexology; The stimulation of pressure points in the hands to provide health benefits to other parts of the body.
  • Ear reflexology; This is the stimulation of the auricle of the pinna for health conditions in other parts of the body.


What Are The Benefits Of Reflexology?

Reflexology can create deep relaxation for many stressed bodies by releasing tension and restoring balance to the body. Reflexology can also be used as a complementary treatment for asthma, diabetes, cancer treatment or chemotherapy, headaches, premenstrual syndrome and sinusitis. 

Some other reported benefits of reflexology include;

  • treating depression 
  • decreased high blood pressure
  • improved circulation 
  • rid the body of toxins
  • boost immune system 
  • recover from back and joint problems 
  • treat colds 



The Benefits of Reflexology

Stress, anxiety and tension can take a toll on your health and cause you to feel overwhelmed, tired, and sick. You’ll be less productive, happy and motivated to face everyday challenges, but with reflexology, you can reverse the effects and live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. 

Reflexology is the act of applying pressure to different points on a person’s feet, hands, face or ears to eliminate stress and tension throughout the body. Reflexology can help with:

  • Stress relief
  • Anxiety release
  • Improved sleep patterns
  • Improved health
  • Improved quality of life

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Many people work long hours in unconducive conditions, leading to high levels of stress, anxiety, and tension. Such conditions are not healthy for the body or mind. 

Reflexology can reduce these effects by stimulating all the nerve endings in your feet and hands that connect with every part of your body through reflex points. When a therapist applies pressure to the reflex points, endorphins are released, reducing stress and tension.

Improved Blood Circulation 

Your body needs nutrients and enough oxygen to function correctly, and without adequate blood circulation, body cells will weaken or die. Reflexology increases blood circulation by applying pressure to specific reflex points on the body, prompting them to work better.

In simple terms, increased circulation means more oxygen to the cells leading to better health. You’ll be physically fit when there is improved blood circulation, eliminating toxins. 

Improved Immune Function

Your immune system is your body’s natural defence against stress, pain and sickness. Reflexology can help improve your immune system’s function by supporting its normal operations and preventing any further decline in cell activity. 

Through reflexology, your body gets enough nutrients, including oxygen, to stay healthy, fighting off ailments. Also, toxins don’t build up in the system, and wounds heal faster because the cells can readily access the nutrients needed to rebuild. 

Reduced Instances of Headaches and Migraines

Most headaches and migraines are a result of stress and tension. Reflexology can help reduce the frequency of these headaches by releasing stress and anxiety in your body, decreasing their occurrence. You’ll also sleep better and minimise muscle tension which can also cause migraines. Even when you have a headache, having a reflexology treatment can reduce or eliminate the pain. 

Better Brain Function

Your brain needs a sufficient and consistent supply of oxygen to function. Note that the brain is connected to every part and function in your body, and when neurotransmitters are not working correctly, it takes longer for the brain to receive and decode information.

It means that you’ll be slower when making decisions or carrying out tasks. Reflexology can help unclog neural pathways and enhance blood circulation to the brain. The mind is clearer and more focused, leading to better cognitive function.

Strengthened Nervous System

Reflexology also works on your autonomic nervous system that regulates bodily functions like heart rate, breathing, digestion and urination. The treatment restores balance by regulating these systems and increasing the oxygenation of all cells in the body. 

Reflexology treatment can help pregnant women have a less challenging pregnancy and delivery. You’ll feel less tired and sleep better after the treatment. Note that children, too, can benefit from reflexology. 

As you’ll find out, there are many benefits of reflexology treatment when carried out by an expert.