
3 common misconceptions around reflexology

More people are turning to reflexology as a way to maintain natural health and wellbeing. In
recent times, it has gained so much momentum and credibility that it is widely available through
hospitals and GP surgeries as a natural therapy to help the body heal and recover. Sadly, there
are still many sceptics who consider reflexology an alternative therapy and question the benefits
it can offer, despite there being a wealth of evidence to the contrary.

So, here are my top 3 reflexology misconceptions that some people have that will better inform
you exactly what reflexology is and how it can benefit you.

It’s just a massage, right?

Wrong. While reflexology uses some massage techniques to warm up the muscles and prepare
you for treatment, it is so much more than a massage. It uses systematic pressure to restore
your body’s natural healthy balance. While it is as relaxing as massage, by applying stimulation
and pressure reflex points corresponding to organs and systems of the body, it can offer you
relief from pain, increased circulation, reduced tension, providing a balanced internal energy

Reflexology hurts

Although reflexology does mean that firm pressure is applied, this should never be painful. As a
reflexologist, I am sensitive and responsive, maintaining good communication with my clients so
they can let me know if I need to reduce the amount of pressure I am applying.

Generally, reflexology is a gentle therapy, so any tenderness may come from particular reflex
points that need extra pressure to restore balance. However, for many clients who have medical
conditions require a lighter, gentler pressure.

Reflexology can diagnose illness

First and foremost, reflexology is a complementary therapy, and it does not replace conventional
medicine and should never be used in place of seeking medical advice. A reflexologist cannot
diagnose illness or disease, or claim to replace prescribed medicine.

A professional reflexologist can identify areas of concern and suggest a client consult a doctor
for further investigation. However, as reflexology is a holistic therapy, treating the person and not
their condition, so any problem areas identified could be affected by a range of different factors.

Hopefully, I have gone some way to dispelling some of the misconceptions that surround
reflexology. For many clients, reflexology is a way to restore the body’s natural balance,
stimulating the body’s natural ability to heal and recover. For more information about reflexology
and how it can help you, please get in touch.


How Does Zone Face Lift Differ From Facial Reflexology?

As part of my reflexology in St Leonards and Hastings, I am delighted to be able to offer a Zone Face Lift treatment – a deeply satisfying experience that does far more than leave your skin looking new and shiny. It also relaxes your mind and body, bringing you back to a sense of calm and homeostasis. The treatment was developed by Ziggie Bergman, an award-winning reflexologist, and is based on a mixture of modern reflexology techniques and ancient healing modalities from Native American Shamans.

What many people often wrongly believe, however, is that Zone Face Lift is no different to facial reflexology. And while the treatments do have some similarities, they are two separate things entirely. In this blog post, I will walk you through what Zone Face Lift actually involves.

How Does Zone Face Lift Work?

The Zone Face Lift is a 12-week course, with the first half of the session involving conventional facial reflexology in order to let go of the emotions held in the face, bringing you back into balance. The next half involves more intensive specialised methods. This includes advanced face-lifting massage and sculpting techniques that lift the face, define the jawline, and boost the presence of collagen and elastin in the skin. It works on both the outer and inner skin, creating a wonderful sense of freshness at the end of each session.

I never use any electronic tools, opting instead for a range of organic products, rose quartz spheres, and gua sha tools – designed to scrape the skin with a combination of long and short strokes that encourage soft tissue circulation and increased blood flow, thereby smoothing fine lines and reducing the presence of wrinkles.

After the 12 weeks have been completed, I always recommend a monthly follow up maintenance session to ensure we continue to look after line reduction and muscle, along with giving aftercare advice as required.

You will be astonished by the effects of the Zone Face Lift. Clients in the past have spoken about how they sleep better and longer, feel less anxious, and drink more water. It is a treatment that leaves you feeling better on the inside and outside. If you are interested in this service, you are welcome to have a taster session at your next appointment.

To arrange a session of Zone Face Lift as part of my reflexology in St Leonards and Hastings, please do get in touch at a time that suits you.